Thursday, October 9, 2008

A little update

I am so very sorry to you all for failing to keep up on my blog... I have been crazy busy... Well I like to think I have been. LOL School has been very demanding and I feel like I have been doing math like everyday. Oh wait I have, but it is paying off quite nicely.... I received a 100% on my test in math which I am very proud of just because I have been out of school for ever and I was just impressed with myself. I was also impressed with myself in my theater arts class... Which I am actually enjoying despite the evil essays... Who would of thought that theater was so much fun... I went to my first play production and it was great... It is something I will continue doing as often as possible... I also experienced my first MLB game with the dodgers and the cubs which was pretty neat... I wouldn't mind going to another... I think that's about it with me... Boring I know....
Now the kids they have been doing just Amazing!!! They have been enjoying every minute of it... Kayla just went back to school after her break and she is still loving every minute of it, she has a rough time wanting to do her homework but she gets it done, and she has also been doing really good on reading thanks to the help of my mom and Ryan they have been helping tremendously with the reading... Every night now We read together and I read a story then she will read a story to me... It is so awesome and the smile she gets when she finishes a story just melts my heart...
Now Wes he just sits there and listens to us read and looks at his books with either cars, buzz, or dinosaurs he loves it... He has been doing awesome on his talking and learning words, he can now repeat the alphabet as it is said to him, his favorite words to say I think anyways, are Dinosuars, kachow , and Jaz... Well those are my favorite words that he says... He gets so excited and it is just the cutest thing ever when he says them.... We are taking a back seat to his potty training right now cause he just is not to interested in it but I think with time he will get it... They have also been having so much fun with their swing set, they love it... Kayla has learned to swing all by herself, and Wes is becoming a little braver with climbing up the ladder..
Needless to say we are doing awesome... I can't wait to come see you all around Christmas time it will be so much fun to see everyone... I hope all is well and that everyone is in good health....

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