Friday, August 1, 2008


So before we moved to cali I went up to seattle for my cousin Lindsey's wedding... Can I just say it was the funnest most Beautiful wedding I have been too... You always hear about the weekend weddings where everyone stays at the same hotel and does the whole weekend wedding, this was it... We had so much fun...It was at a lodge in Easton, WA that was basically in the middle of the forest it was so quiet and beautiful...

The night we got there we had a 70's night rehearsal dinner which is the pic's you see with our 70's attire... We had a blast dressing up for the occasion and just chatting and carrying on... Then sat was just kick back go do the fishing thing or sight seeing, etc until the wedding... Then of course the wedding and the dinner which was absolutly Amazing it was so nicely decorated adn it was just perfect... So needless to say I had a blast and it was so great to just go walking around and be alone at times to clear my head...
Before we left we also made it to the space needle which was awesome, but I think I like the one in Vegas more..LOL they have all the fun stuff to do... HAHA
Anyways I just wanted to share that experience...
Love ya all....


Steph said...

What a fun trip! Enjoy being a bachelorette! Break some hearts, live your life for you! You're free!

M. M. C. C. said...

I'm so glad you started the blog again! how's cali life? I have your pirate costume too (THANKS SO MUCH) so I need your address to send it back. glad things are going well.